Wednesday, December 19, 2012
IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016 -------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau
Congressional Research Service (CRS)
Unauthorized Aliens Residing in the United States: Estimates Since 1986
Ruth Ellen Wasem, Specialist in Immigration Policy
December 13, 2012
[full-text, 19 pages]
Estimates derived from the March Supplement of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population
Survey (CPS) indicate that the unauthorized resident alien population (commonly referred to as
illegal aliens) rose from 3.2 million in 1986 to 12.4 million in 2007, before leveling off at 11.1
million in 2011. The estimated number of unauthorized aliens had dropped to 1.9 million in 1988
following passage of a 1986 law that legalized several million unauthorized aliens. Jeffrey Passel,
a demographer with the Pew Hispanic Research Center, has been involved in making these
estimations since he worked at the U.S. Bureau of the Census in the 1980s.
Similarly, the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS) reported
an estimated 11.5 million unauthorized alien residents as of January 2011, up from 8.5 million in
January 2000. The OIS estimated that the unauthorized resident alien population in the United
States increased by 37% over the period 2000 to 2008, before leveling off since 2009. The OIS
estimated that 6.8 million of the unauthorized alien residents in 2011 were from Mexico. About
33% of unauthorized residents in 2011 were estimated to have entered the United States since
2000, but the rate of illegal entry appears to be slowing. The OIS based its estimates on data from
the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.
Although increased border security, a record number of alien removals, and high unemployment,
among other factors, have depressed the levels of illegal migration in recent years, the number of
unauthorized aliens residing in the United States remains sizeable. Research suggests that various
factors have contributed to the ebb and flow of unauthorized resident aliens, and that the increase
is often attributed to the “push-pull” of prosperity-fueled job opportunities in the United States in
contrast to limited job opportunities in the sending countries. Accordingly, the economic
recession that began in December 2007 may have curbed the migration of unauthorized aliens,
particularly because sectors that traditionally rely on unauthorized aliens, such as construction,
services, and hospitality, have been especially hard hit.
Some researchers also suggest that the increased size of the unauthorized resident population
during the late 1990s and early 2000s is an inadvertent consequence of border enforcement and
immigration control policies. They posit that strengthened border security curbed the fluid
movement of seasonal workers. This interpretation, generally referred to as a caging effect, argues
that these policies raised the stakes in crossing the border illegally and created an incentive for
those who succeed in entering the United States to stay. More recently, some maintain that
strengthened border security measures, such as “enforcement with consequences,” coordinated
efforts with Mexico to reduce illegal migrant recidivism, and increased border patrol agents, may
be part of a constellation of factors holding down the flow.
The current system of legal immigration is cited as another factor contributing to unauthorized
migration. The statutory ceilings that limit the type and number of immigrant visas issued each
year create long waits for visas. According to this interpretation, many foreign nationals who have
family in the United States resort to illegal avenues in frustration over the delays. Some
researchers speculate that record number of alien removals (e.g., reaching almost 400,000
annually since FY2009) may cause a chilling effect on family members weighing unauthorized
residence. Some observers point to more elusive factors when assessing the ebb and flow of
unauthorized resident aliens—such as shifts in immigration enforcement priorities away from
illegal entry to removing suspected terrorists and criminal aliens, or well-publicized discussions
of possible “amnesty” legislation.
Background ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Trends in Estimates Since 1986 ....................................................................................................... 2
Updated Estimates Based Upon 2010 Census ........................................................................... 5
Analysis from the March Current Population Survey ...................................................................... 5
Analysis from the American Community Survey ............................................................................ 8
Analysis of the Monthly Current Population Survey ..................................................................... 12
Contributing Factors ...................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 1. Estimated Number of Unauthorized Resident Aliens, 1986-2011 .................................... 3
Figure 2. Unauthorized Resident Alien Population, by Place of Origin, 1986 and 2010 ................ 6
Figure 4. Unauthorized Resident Alien Population, by State .......................................................... 7
Figure 5. Top 10 States with Unauthorized Resident Aliens ........................................................... 9
Figure 6. Top 10 Source Countries of Unauthorized Resident Aliens ........................................... 10
Figure 7. Age Distribution of Unauthorized Resident Aliens in 2011, by Gender ........................ 11
Figure 8. Unauthorized Resident Aliens in 2011, by Reported Year of Arrival ............................. 12
Author Contact Information........................................................................................................... 16
Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................... 16
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