Thursday, November 15, 2012


[IWS] Dublin Foundation: INCOME FROM WORK AFTER RETIREMENT IN THE EU [15 November 2012]

IWS Documented News Service


Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach

School of Industrial & Labor Relations-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies

Cornell University

16 East 34th Street, 4th floor---------------------- Stuart Basefsky

New York, NY 10016 -------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau



European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Dublin Foundation)

Income from work after retirement in the EU [15 November 2012]
[full-text, 100 pages]


Anderson, Robert; Dubois, Hans


It is increasingly common for workers in the EU to take up paid work after retirement. This trend adds an important dimension to the current discourse on extending working lives. Facilitating work after retirement for those who want to work can contribute to sustainable pension systems. This study investigates retirees' motivations for seeking paid work and their opportunities for gaining employment. It examines the extent to which work after retirement is related to income adequacy among the retired population. It also explores the types of paid employment that retirees take up and identifies ways in which companies seek to recruit and retain retirees. The report concludes with recommendations for governments, employers and retirees. An executive summary is also available.


Table of contents

Executive summary 1

Introduction 5

Policy relevance 5

How common is it? 5

Difference from work before retirement 7

1 — Concepts and data collection 9

Concepts 9

Measuring work after retirement 9

Data collection 11

2 — Trends in adequacy and sustainability of retirement income 13

Income adequacy 13

Income sustainability 19

3 — Characterising and explaining trends in work after retirement 23

Explaining working after retirement 23

Characterising working retirees 30

Characterising work after retirement 33

Employment clusters 43

4 — Government policies 45

Labour market 45

Age barriers and discrimination 45

Financial incentives 50

Avoiding need 55

5 — Company initiatives 57

Motivation for companies 57

Facilitating by informing 60

Facilitating by pooling 61

Facilitating by flexibility 61

Facilitating by training 66

Facilitating by tailor-made approaches 67


6 — Retiree initiatives 69

7 — Conclusions 71

Explaining work after retirement in the EU 71

Characterising work after retirement in the EU 72

What can governments do? 72

What can companies do? 73

What can retirees do? 74

Bibliography 77


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