Wednesday, April 28, 2010
IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016 -------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau
New Zealand Department of Labour
The Department of Labour has a range of publications on employment relations, holidays and parental leave.
There are A5 booklets entitled:
- Holidays and leave - a guide for employers
[PDF 332KB] HTML - Holidays and other leave - a guide for employees
- Parental Leave for Employees
[350KB] HTML - Parental Leave for Self-Employed
[325KB] HTML - Breastfeeding in the workplace
[PDF 303Kb] HTML - Code of Employment Practice in Infant Feeding
[PDF 133KB] HTML - Employment Relationships - Guide for Employers
[PDF, 36 pages, 332KB] HTML - Employment Rights - A Guide for Employers
[PDF, 29 pages, 460KB] HTML
There are A4 booklets entitled
- Employer's guide to employment relationships
[PDF 484KB] HTML - In good faith
[PDF 893KB] - How to Hire guide
[PDF 258KB] HTML - Disciplinary Action, Dismissal, Redundancy and Ill Health – Guide for Employees
[PDF 193KB] HTML - Disciplinary Action, Dismissal, Redundancy and Ill Health – Guide for Employers
[PDF 198KB] HTML - Transgender People at Work – Guide for Employees
[PDF 261KB] HTML - Transgender People at Work – Guide for Employers
[PDF 307KB] HTML - Using mediation services effectively
[PDF 281KB] HTML - Contemporary Mediation Practice
Plus pamphlets about:
- Striking a Balance - A guide for working parents
[PDF 266KB] HTML - Your minimum employment rights
[PDF 600KB] HTML - Minimum pay and deductions
[PDF 394KB] HTML - Code of Ethics for Mediators
Our other publications include:
- our very popular fact sheets
- Application forms for ER Authority
- A guide to establishing and administering unions [PDF 150KB] HTML
- Employment Cases Summary
This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.
Stuart Basefsky
Director, IWS News Bureau
Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell/ILR School
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Telephone: (607) 255-2703
Fax: (607) 255-9641